Are we really free?

August is the month is chosen by us to recognise the work done by our heroes during the liberation war. Many of them lost their lives fighting for freedom. Zimbabwe has been recognised as free since April 1980. People who were born after the independence are called 'b

orn free’. But are they are really free?
I (Xolani) have been thinking, praying and analysing the situation in our country. I realise that we are not free at all, we have no independence yet. We are yet to be redeemed by the real redeemer, (GOD) who has a Son who justified us through His blood according to Ephesians 1v7 ‘He is so rich in kindness that he purchased our freedom through the blood of His Son, and our sins are forgiven’ (NLT). Good health and true freedom does not come from anywhere apart from God himself. What we need to do now as Zimbabweans is to pray to God for forgiveness of our sins, and when we truly humble ourselves before Him, he will hear from heaven and answer, He will give us the freedom that we need.
Humbling ourselves means seeing ourselves as we really are. What are we? We are sinners who need forgiveness and healing from God. When we humble ourselves we do not only admit that we have sinned but we also acknowledge that we depend on God. This coming August, why don’t you humble yourself and recognise that you need Christ for a Hero, because He is the owner of all things that we need in Zimbabwe. We need good health (healing from AIDS), rain, peace, good economy and love; all these come from God through the redeeming blood of Christ.
We are created in the image of God according to Genesis1v27. So God created people in His own image; God patterned them after Himself; male and female He created them. The purpose of Him creating human beings in his own image is that they be rulers and owners of everything on earth as He is in heaven, but it has not been so because we have given ourselves to idol worship and all sorts of sin. We have distanced ourselves from His plan of humanity.
The good news is, its not too late, we can repent as a nation, and we will be forgiven. The Bible says’So now there is no more condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the power of life giving Spirit has freed you through Christ Jesus from the power of sin that leads to death, (Romans 1v 1&2). So when we humble ourselves before Him and confess that He is our God, we are giving ourselves the opportunity to get back our dominion that we lost through sin and He will teach us the right way to live.
May the Lord God of Zimbabwe, be with you all where ever you are. Pray for our country at all times. Declare Him your Hero, the one who has the only redeeming blood. –
To find out more about us, please call Xolani on 07903726469 or John on 07950543612.

Post published in: Opinions

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