Open letter to Prof Mutambara

SIR - I am writing to you tonight following your recent meeting at Hornung Park. I write as an appeal as, whether I like it or not, you now feature on the political landscape of our country and will play a role in influencing and shaping the future. The MDC was formed to bring change to Zimbabwe bas

ed on the ideals of democracy and it was made up of those that came from the full spectrum of political belief and definition that shared the wish for democracy that would bring us the spin-offs of prosperity and so on. Seemingly, that objective has been put on hold and this is being felt by every Zimbabwean who undoubtedly now feel more betrayed than ever. When you burst on the scene, your letter of introduction, as I said at question time the other evening, you filled most of us with renewed hope.
Why? Because you spoke so emphatically about unifying the MDC. That seemed to be your mission and Zanu-weary people accepted you for that. Then, we got to know you (or at least we thought it was you we were getting to know!) as you…anti senate but you were joining the pro-senate group and quite clearly to take over its leadership…there simply had to be another motive. Then you spoke as though you came from Zanu…. “We come in the tradition of the Liberation War”….”There was a need for a land revolution.”… “Our approach is not driven by white farmers”… “We cherish and celebrate the heroic work of Zipra and Zanla forces”… “Land was the basis of our armed struggle”.
Then we listened to your anti-west sentiments, colonialism and so on….everything that we have been hearing for 26 years; rhetoric that has driven this beautiful land to the brink of disaster. As a persecuted “White” African and a long-suffering Zimbabwean, I believe that this is the last thing that Zimbabweans would want to hear.
I come from an ethnic group that has been to subjected to ethnic cleansing, racial hatred and business discrimination from the authority that rules our country without a mandate. It seemed as though you were out of touch with our struggle and the needs and sentiments of our people. Their vote in 1980 has given them hardship, hunger, genocide and human rights abuses. They are tired of this rhetoric and desperately need leadership, hope and a clearly distinct plan and timetable for the future. In all the time you have been on the scene (And we do not have time!!!)
I have witnessed very little of this and certainly little urgency while our people die and our country descends into the depths of destruction. People are asking where is your plan? Before going to listen to your speech the other evening, I had seen your interview on SABC Africa and then read various reviews from senior journalists who had interviewed you and my hopes were dashed.
I saw aggression, intolerance. I saw a controller, I saw someone who was insensitive and aloof and someone who frightened me immensely and certainly someone who I did not wish to be part of my new Zimbabwe. I felt an urgent need to protect our hapless people from what I had seen. At your meeting to which I refer above, I could see someone who was drilled for the occasion but then I became shocked about something else…..your policy. To me it is fraught with danger.
You spoke of the cornerstones and the re-branding of the MDC. Those cornerstones were the LAND Revolution. It immediately seemed to me that you were distinctly out of touch with the needs, sentiments and views of today’s Zimbabweans. How off track could you be? How outdated and how like Zanu was this? To me you typified the misconceptions that have so often driven this country into areas of debate and policy that really do not apply to reality on the ground. People are asking “who are you”? And yet, you espouse theories and ideals of others. Who is the real you? What is your agenda and whose mandate do you have for entering Zimbabwean politics now? What are your real intentions? There is deep suspicion out here and you need to answer it.

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