I blame women

Dear Aunty Lisa

I am a regular reader of your column and I am always disappointed by fellow women who complain about other women who cannot appreciate them. One week there was this lady who complained about a mother-in-law who didn’t like her and the other week another woman talking of her sisters-in-law who nagged her and challenged her. I think we are to blame as woman for not realising that we need each other to empower ourselves. Sometimes I believe men have nothing to do with how low women are in society.

We spend so much time worrying why another woman is better than ourselves, rather than approaching them, complimenting them and asking them to help us reach where they are. We try so hard to pull each other down by negative comments that destroy each other’s spirits. Once we get on top we enjoy the limelight as the only successful woman among several men and we work so hard to stamp on the fingers of those reaching out for the top. It can only be us who can raise the profile of other women as strong and powerful human beings.

We need to be friends and love one another, smile and not frown at each other wherever we meet, be happy with each other’s successes and pull others up to join us at the top once we are there. We can make this world better if we are strong. Thank you for allowing me space to encourage women to empower each other. – Aunty Lisa

Post published in: Lifestyle

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