Latest Fide Ratings for Zambia Chess Players Men /Women 01.09.24

The ratings for the chess players are out after Zone 4.5 Chess Championships. International Master Chitumbo Mwali has shaved some ratings.

He was the highest rated before the tournament and now International Master Gillian ‘Captain Charlie’ is now rated as Zambia’s number one. It remains to be seen if after the Chess Olympiad this month in Budapest there will be any major changes on the ratings list. International Master Kayonde Andrew is second then ‘The Copper Eagle ‘ is third. More exciting chess news.

Meanwhile in the professional chess league Waterfalls Chess Club shocked leaders Harare City by a narrow with of 3.5_2.5. This means Harare City will be dislodged from the top spot to second. Chitown Masters humbled their opponents 4-2 in another thriller. Spencer Masango’s Asante chess club whitewashed their opponents Harare Chess Academy B.

In the Corporate league Old Mutual is now tops after dismissing their rivals CBZ 5-1. Bruce of CBZ won his game against Old Mutual Captain Brian Dzvetera in a nail bitting encounter which could have gone either way. Bruce defending well to avoid a checkmate while Brian blundered a piece in the process of trying to get a win. This means that Old Mutual have completed a double over their rivals. The fixtures for both the Corporate league and Professional chess League were played at Club Chambers Hotel in an exciting venue and games were overseen by IA Simbabrashe Murimi.

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