John Makumbe
The majority of Zimbabweans would like to forget the year 2007 as fast as possible because of the numerous nasty experiences that the evil ZanuPF regime inflicted upon them during that year.

As the New Year, 2008 begins; there is little evidence that the situation obtaining in this bankrupt country could change for the better. Indeed, if anything, the signs are plenty that the situation could easily deteriorate further during 2008. It may therefore be quite difficult for most of us to forget the year 2007 too soon. It probably takes obsessive optimists like yours truly to view this New Year, 2008 as the year something good and positive could happen to change the fortunes of this impoverished country.It is always a sad day when a country runs grossly short of its own currency, however worthless the currency may be. The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe governor has actually referred to it as “manure”, which obviously makes him some kind of cattle minder (mufudzi we mombe), since it is his responsibility to print and dispense the now worthless bearer cheques in this country. The struggle that most Zimbabweans are facing to access their hard-earned money is inexcusable in most democratic countries. Not so in Zimbabwe. In most civilised countries, the governor of the central bank would have been forced to resign, or he would have been summarily dismissed from his position by the relevant authorities. Again, not so in Zimbabwe, and not under the rotten Mugabe regime. Former honourable Butau’s flight to the United Kingdom late last year casts ZanuPF as the political party that is loaded with dirty and corrupt persons.Will things change in 2008? My optimistic response to that question is definitely yes. For starters, as always in the past, Robert Mugabe and his fractious and corrupt political party, ZanuPF will rig the March elections in order to retain political power. This will enrage the general public to the extent that there will be widespread resistance and possibly revolt against the dictator. The socio-economic situation will deteriorate further this year, and more people will become destitute. Hundreds of thousands more will resort to the exit option and leave the country, mainly for South Africa, Botswana, Mozambique and even Zambia and Malawi. The dictator will eventually be forced to negotiate some kind of coalition or government of national unity with the MDC, which seems so desperate to be part of the regime that it has sold out the people of this country at every turn. No sane person in this country would have supported Constitutional Amendment 18 and the peripheral amendments to POSA, AIPPA and the stupid BSA. The MDC does not cease to surprise me. The level of gullibility in that party is astounding.Nevertheless, change is coming, one way or another. There is a strong possibility that the dictator will meet his fate during this year, 2008 whether he likes it or not. God is not a fool to allow this evil man to continue to mess up our lives without His intervention. The devil has many agents that he will use against the dictator this year and before the end of 2008 we will be re-writing history books. Mugabe has to go this year; there are no two ways about it. Regime change has finally dawned on Zimbabwe. Is this a prophecy or some political prediction by the nutty professor? No way! I have been studying the events surrounding this country for such a long time that I now know when the best is about to happen. The year 2008 is the Year of Regime Change. Get ready for it.

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