Why I voted for change

I was born three years after Zimbabwe's independence. I was never witness to the liberation struggle but came into the world just at the right time to add numbers and celebrate the dawn of a new 'black democracy.' And yet the reality of this new black democracy has been that it has showing a culture of intolerance and a disturbing desire to stay in power at all costs.

Whenever two Zimbabweans met, their conversation would slide into a litany of our national deficiencies. And the election was the best opportunity for all thoughtful Zimbabweans to rise up and reject those habits which have disabled our economic potential and inhibit our chances of becoming a modern and attractive African country.

Zimbabwe has a large number of talented people. Why is the corruption of our leaders, their noisy vulgarities, their nepotism, their selfishness, their ineptitude seem so much stronger than the good influences in our society? Why do the good among us seem so helpless while the bad guys are always full of vile energy? Why have we allowed our politicians to replace policy and implementation with lies and deceit?

The ZANU (PF) ideology of Third Chimurenga was not founded upon scientific thinking. Its starting point was reactionary. Third Chimurenga only provides a smokescreen behind which ZANU (PF) hides its failures. And to lay the ghost of their insecurity they talk patriotically. But their talk is only mouth-deep, it does not exist in their heads nor in their hearts. They create and believe their own lies.

That is why I didn’t vote for Robert Mugabe and his ZANU (PF). The Old Man ran for election on a tired slogan, vote for me because I fought the war. I salute you Sir, but times have significantly changed. We are here. We are proud. New politics should make sense of ourselves to ourselves. Look at our collapsing public utilities, our inefficient and wasteful parastatals and state owned companies. If you want electricity, you buy your own generator; if you want water, you sink your own well; if you want food, you have to pay more for it on the black market.

Robert Mugabe did not live in this country. He was harnessed to the trappings of protocol and blockaded by a buffer of grinning courtiers and sycophants. What he failed to realize is that even a good and intelligent leader will gradually begin to forget what the real world looks like.

I had no option really; if I had not moved, then I would have been moved. It was therefore necessary to vote for change!

Post published in: Opinions

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