Ban violence or shut up Mr President

mugabeTo the many victims of political violence scattered across the country, the widows and orphans of Gukurahundi, it must have been the ultimate insult, to hear the leader of the party in whose name they were victimised and their loved ones murdered lecturing them about peace and tolerance. (Pictured: Robert Mugabe)

Speaking at the launch of the constitutional outreach programme last week, President Robert Mugabe urged Zimbabweans to embrace tolerance and shun violence during the exercise to consult the public on the drafting of the new governance charter. These were his words: Let there be no hindrance to people airing their views. The people have that right. Please no quarrelling, no violence or conflict. Why should there be conflict on these matters?

Well, the devil could as well takeover the pulpit and preach the holy gospel to the world! Perhaps there is a need to remind Mugabe of this important fact, just in case he has suddenly become a victim of selective amnesia: the enemies of peace answer to your call sir. The 5th Brigade did not just wake up one morning slaughtering innocent civilians in the Matabeleland and Midlands provinces. They were merely following orders. Or prove us wrong Mr President.

The people who murdered MDC activists Tichaona Chiminya and Talent Mabika during the run-up to the 2000 parliamentary elections were acting in the name of Mugabe and Zanu (PF). The war veterans, youth militia and state security forces have waged violence and terror at every major election since 1999 to secure victory for none other than Mugabe and Zanu (PF). In fact as an investment, violence has paid off handsomely for Mugabe. It is to violence that Mugabe owes his extended stay at State House despite the verdict of the people on March 29, 2008.

We agree that Mugabe might have meant well with his lecture on non-violence last Wednesday. We agree, too, that despite all the blood shed in his name, Mugabe has probably never sent out anyone with orders to assault, rape, torture or kill his political opponents. But we wish to remind the President and his defenders of this old proverb which says: he who is able to forbid an action, and forbids it not, virtually commands it.

Surely, the Head of State and Government and Commander in Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces, as the cheerleaders love to call him these days, need not go around begging people to stop committing violence. Mugabe should simply forbid violence or shut up — and await his comeuppance which as sure as day follows night is coming.

Post published in: Editor: Wilf Mbanga

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