What happened to Justice with Equity?

As news filters through of what is happening in the diamond fields of Marange the spectre of huge wealth and even more poverty and suffering rises before us.

If the reports we get of more than a trillion US dollars worth of gems are true and if the stories of what the military and the Chinese are up to are accurate, we are heading for an even more divided society than we have at the moment. We are going in the opposite direction to the one sociologists describe as sound.

The healthiest societies in the world are not the richest countries, but those in which income is distributed most evenly and levels of social integration are highest, wrote Richard Wilkinson. Inhabitants of countries such as Japan and Sweden, which are regarded as some of the most egalitarian societies in the world, enjoy better levels of health on average than do citizens of countries where the gap between the rich and poor is more pronounced, such as the United States.

Officially, we are critical of the United States, but we are rushing to copy its headlong practice of accumulating wealth in the hands of the few. We started off 30 years ago with our official narrative of justice with equity in which we genuinely sought to raise the standard of living of the poorest and indeed succeeded for a while. Then we got tired of the effort and other issues topped the agenda, particularly the preservation of power in the hands of the few.

But will this agenda succeed? Nearly 3000 years ago the prophet Amos had this to say; Woe to those ensconced so snugly in Zion and those who feel so safe on the mountains of Samaria Lying on ivory beds and sprawling on their divans they dine on lambs from the flock and drink wine by the bowlful; but about the ruin of Joseph they do not care at all. That is why they will be the first to be exiled; the sprawlers revelry is over.

One of the most constant themes in the bible is compassion. Without compassion we turn in on ourselves and think only of what I can get for myself. Jesus went out to all those who suffered; the bereaved, the poor and the sick. He calls us to follow him and yet we do not care at all. Our country has turned away from the ideals of our youth and set our hearts on building wealth for the few who sit ensconced so snugly in their palaces protected by walls and dogs and guards. There is still time for those diamonds to be used as seeds which germinate into development for all the people.

Post published in: Opinions

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