What is the church’s true purpose?

The Father’s Eternal purpose, His highest interest, His supreme end, is to fill all things with His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, that Christ would be the centre and the circumference of the universe.

As disciples of Christ, we need to have a true revelation of this, as it should govern our very lives, how we live, serve and even pray. All God’s dealings with us are based on this, His Eternal purpose. As I shared in my previous two meditations, through the Cross, this very Life of Christ is being wrought into me, being made a reality. But why, what is the purpose? It is so that the life of Christ may be expressed, that the victory of His risen Life may be displayed to the whole universe.

Father works, by His Spirit, in us all, as individuals, but His ultimate plan is through a CORPORATE VESSEL, a company of people, an instrument, people like you and me. He calls this, the Body of Christ, the Church. It is through this Church, that the universal fullness of Christ will be realised, that His Life will be expressed.

The Church is nothing more than Christ on the earth in corporate expression. It is a heavenly organism, a LIVING body, with Christ as its Head. In fact, the Church is simply Christ's body.

Now, God has called the Church to be a vessel that maintains and expresses the testimony of Jesus Christ. It is here to manifest to the world, the principalities and to its own members, who this Glorious Christ is, that He rules and reigns and that He is absolute Lord of the universe. (Ephesians 3:10 & 11).

The Church is God's wisdom shown to the principalities and powers. The Church stands on this earth for the Lord’s rights, to bring Christ into what is His own. It is through the Church that God chooses to recover the knowledge of Christ's Lordship back to earth. Father has given the Church, not only the privilege, but also the high calling, to establish this absolute Lordship of His Son wherein He can fill ALL THINGS in His perfect time.

How seriously are we taking this responsibility? Are we embracing the Cross, and allowing it to do the work of preparing us to be that vessel worthy of expressing the Life of Christ? Do we know the authority and power that we have through the Christ in us, to enable us to manifest to the world, to principalities and powers, who Christ is?

Do we have a vision of what is on Father’s heart? Or are we occupied with other “things” and missing what is foremost and primary in the Lord’s mind? Are we just busy building sandcastles, when Father is calling us into the deep with Him?

Post published in: Faith

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