Special attention for the spouse

When we were in the boy-girl relationship, we used to do all sorts of very special things for each other. We used to treat each other in special ways and we used to love doing things for each other. Some girls like to wash their boyfriends’ clothes and iron them nicely. Some guys buy sweet nothings for their girls from time to time. We also did not have any problem sitting around and talking together about nothing in particular.

These were special times we used to have for each other because we loved one another. For some reason, after getting married, and especially after the arrival of the children, we find it difficult to have any of these special together treats. We are sometimes so busy that we no longer have the time to treat our spouses as special people. Somehow the love has grown cold; it has become ordinary and even boring for some married people.

You can make a decision today to change all that and get back to the old love that you used to have for your spouse. The question is: what things can you do for your spouse in order to treat them as special? There is no easy prescription that fits all, because all marriages are different. But an innovative spouse will not struggle too much to discover those things that enable him or her to give the spouse special treatment.

It is a joy to make your spouse a cup of tea or coffee just at the time they need one. Do not shout to somebody else to make Baba or Mama a cup when you are sitting there like a potato watching TV. When the spouse is not feeling well, it is wonderful to take over some of the chores that he or she normally does. Even if they are not unwell – just doing the chores from time to time is a great way of demonstrating your love. Make the bed, bath the baby, cook a meal or put the kids to bed.

Some spouses never dream of doing these menial tasks – preferring to read the newspaper, watch TV or visit relatives. Just spending time with your spouse is always special treatment for them and for yourself. Special time is not interrupted by TV, the laptop, the newspaper or the cell-phone. It is time to share with your spouse in an intimate way which says to them, “You are special to me.”

Go for a drive or a walk together for no reason whatsoever except to be together. Share funny stories that you read in magazines and newspapers. Sms each other from time to time during the day. There does not have to be a disaster for you to communicate if you are special to each other. Buy your spouse airtime even though they still have it. Your marriage is in your hands. May God bless you all.

Post published in: Opinions & Analysis

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