Time to change the way we pray?

It saddens the heart of the Father when he sees the lack of interest in so many churches’ prayer meetings. The most exciting and important time in every church should be the prayer meeting. Without this the heart of the church is missing a heart beat. Surely it is time for every group to consider what their prayer meetings are lacking? Why are people bored and uninterested? Why do so few attend prayer meetings?

Many have developed a system passed down – they have always done it this way. What are we going to pray about this week? Who has a prayer request? And so we develop a list of petitions – and faithfully go through the list. Often we do not expect any results. Most times we do not know what to pray – as we are not aware of the situation or the person. I believe we have all been there and many have been faithful for years. Is it not time to STOP and ask the Spirit to lead us in a more personal and exciting way?

Let us come together without our lists of requests. Let us come together focusing on Christ and giving Him the pre-eminent place in our lives and in the meeting. We need to spend time expressing our love and repentance, giving Christ our total focus. Then – take time to just be still and hear the leading of the Spirit. Let’s be still and just enjoy His peace.

Then we could ask each other if anyone feels anything specific has been quickened to our spirits. Take time to encourage one another to speak out without fear of condemnation or making a mistake. To begin with many will have nothing to share. But encourage one another that this communication with and hearing from God can take time to develop.

Practice this waiting on the Spirit in your own space, when you are driving, hanging up your washing, walking or just thinking. It is a helpful practice to have a little book and write down whatever you believe the Spirit is saying. We all need to learn the importance of constant communication with the Father.

Next time you meet, take time to hear what each one has heard from the Spirit during the past days. You will begin to see a pattern in what the Spirit would lead your group to pray for. Start to expect to see results. You are now bringing before the Father the desires of His heart and that which He is purposing to do for His kingdom. – Faith Matters Editorial Team. Please feel free to email us at editor.faithmatters@gmail.com or message on 0779 117 645

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