Mines pollute rivers

Biological and chemical tests on the Save and Odzi rivers show that locals are at risk of contracting diseases from the heavily polluted water.

Speaking to journalist in the capital, ZELA Coordinator, Shamiso Mtisi, said the results of the commissioned report indicate that diamond mining operations have resulted in massive siltation as well as heavy metal pollution of Save and Odzi rivers.

Turbidity and total solids in the sampled water exceeded the World Health Organisation and Zimbabwe stipulated level standards, said Mtisi.

“Levels of heavy metals showed high concentrations of iron, chromium and nickel in the water. These elements are the major constituents of ferro-silicon (a chemical compound used in diamond extraction processes). Chromium and nickel are potentially carcinogenic agents (cancer causing agents) and therefore they pose an immediate health risk to people and livestock,” he said.

He said the high levels of iron in water suggested that the local populations could be at risk of iron poisoning, as they exceeded stipulated WHO standards.

Post published in: Agriculture

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