“Making good artwork is not all a young artist needs to do in order to build a successful career. Being able to talk about your work, explain your ideas to audiences and be honest and critical about your work are some of the biggest challenges for young artists,” said Gora.
“These skills are often just as crucial to developing a successful art practice and building a professional career,” he added.
Goldner is a famous New York artist who invested over two decades working with and teaching young artists in Mali. Her visit is being supported by the Fulbright Senior Scholar programme, which enables experienced US educators to spend time with organisations in countries of their choice to support educational initiatives and develop a better rapport and opportunities for exchange with the US education and culture sector.
She will conduct a two week workshop “Self analysis and Critique in the Fine Arts” focusing on addressing the needs of individual artists looking at needs of female artists in particular, and work with artists to develop a better understanding of their own work. She will also encourage and facilitate their working together to support their mutual development, without competing.
Post published in: Arts