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Jongwe guru peta mapapiro kuti madiki agokuremekedza-k, Zimbabwe

For Zimbabwe to feed itself, former white farmers should return to the country. White farmers should come back please-Alexander Metero, South Africa

Ndiri kutsvagawo madzibaba vakaraswa nana maLaicha munerimwe purazi reku Messina. Muparazi iri mune mhuka dzakaipa. Madzibaba aya ayiwa ne bhetimaya rave chete. Pakaitika chiyitiko ichi madzibaba aya ayifamba nevamwe vanhu kusanganisira mudzimai wangu. Ndoda kuziwa kuti vapenyu here madzibaba aya. Ane ruziwo anondifonera pa 0027717033980

The Zimbabwean tinokumbirawo kuti pepa renyu ribatsirewo vanhu vanotsvaga varume kana vakadzi wekuroora kana kuroorwa nawo. Half a page would do. Matiregerera panyaya iyi. Kune mwoyo yakawanda inotsvaga anoiwaraidza. Ini ndinotsvaga murume akakodzera wekuroorwa naye. Ndine makore 30, mwana mumwe chete. Ndinotsvaga murume anoda zvemba asina chirwere chemazuva ano uye akavimbika. Murume uyu ngaave nemakore 32-40. Anoda ngaafone 0846844379 South Africa

Zimbabweans we are eager to see real change. The only man who can bring the change we want is Morgan Richard Tsvangirai. Let us brace for 2018 as a united force, since divided we fall-Aqulla Mudiwa, Zimbabwe

Unity comes first before any talks or re-engagement. This is the reason why Minister of Finance, Patrick Chinamasa, says he is asked negative questions wherever he visits. Zimbabweans are pulling in different directions at this crucial moment. The mess we find ourselves in is as a result of lack of unity of purpose-Zimasset, South Africa.

Vamwe varikugara musangano na Bob. Vamwe vari muma scam ediamonds. Vamwe varikurohwa nema positori. Umwe achigemuka pa Parade. Unotoshaya kuti zviri kumbo famba seyi-N, South Africa.

Those looking for a garden boy, I am available in Harare. Cell 0771445327

Fellow Zimbabweans please do not despair. Change is definitely coming, whether as a result of Zanu (PF) transforming or through other means. Zanu (PF) has a proud history and the scope of its achievements can never be erased. But the party destroyed whatever achievement it made. It spends valuable time reflecting on its past and not enough on building the present and future. The majority of Zimbabweans are not content and want progress-Kenneth Baloyi Soshanguve, Pretoria, South Africa.

As young people of this country we are jobless. The government is clueless on issues to do with job creation. People at Tokwe-Mukosi continue to suffer while the whole country is in economic turmoil charactorised mainly with massive corruption. Faced with these challenges the government of the day surprising occupies itself with searching for Baba Jukwa, a facebook character-Sukuma/Simuka/Rise and Act, Zimbabwe

Vagari wemu Goromonzi tiri kukumbira vakuru vemapurisa kuti mbavha dzirikuba zvakanyanya nekuti mapurisa haasi kushanda nemazvo. Vari kuwanza kunwa hwahwa nehuwori. Mbavha dziri kuita madiro mu Goromonzi. Mapurisa ngaite ma patrols zvimwe zvingaite nani nekuti kurarama kwakuoma sekunge nyika isina mapurisa. Vakuru wemapurisa tibatsireyiwo kana kuchinja vese zvavo –Chaka Ghetto, Goromonzi, Zimbabwe.

Can you imagine that sometimes one cannot purchase prepaid electricity because the payment system is down. This forces households to go without power-Disturbed KJ, Harare, Zimbabwe

The South Africa government should come clear on the permits issue. Zimbabweans continue to be arrested for going about their businesses without identification particulars and passports. Those arrested especially in Gauteng Province, Joburg are made to sign deportation forms. Some would be arrested on their way to work. Recently, I was among the 120 people arrested one morning a few metres from my work place. We were detained at Douglasdale while others were transferred to Randburg. I was fortunate enough to be released later after a colleague brought my passport to the holding centre but was told the unfortunate ones would be transferred to Lindela from where they would be deported to Zimbabwe-Naison Mwenje, Joburg, South Africa.

Thanks for the good and informative paper guys. You are awesome-GN, South Africa.

Post published in: Analysis
  2. Priya Agarwal
  3. Suresh
  4. Innocent
  5. datsi19

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