He’s a pervert

Dear Aunty Lisa

My sister’s husband is a serious pervert who does not seem to think of anything without sexual connotations. I am 19 and he has been married to my sister for six months now. For some weeks now he has been sending me offensive messages and sometimes nude pictures of men on whatsapp.

I normally do not respond and I hoped that was going to be a sign that I don’t appreciate his messages – but he keeps on doing it. I am now afraid of what will happen the moment I happen to be alone with him at their place. I am not sure whether to tell my sister or not, I don’t want her thinking I invited these messages in any way. I want her to be happy and breaking her marriage is the last thing I would do. Please tell me what to do, I am stuck. – Patience

Dear Patience

The behavior of your sister’s husband is totally unacceptable. That is sexual harassment and he needs to know that you do not like him sending such messages to you. You have tried ignoring him in the hope that he will make sense of your silence and get the message that you are not interested – but he keeps persisting.

I think it is time for you to respond and let him know that you do not want such communication. You need to be bold and make it clear to him that you cannot tolerate his behaviour, otherwise if you don’t send him a strong message he may be stupid enough to think that you will change your mind with time and keep trying.

Let him know that you are aware that this is sexual harassment and that you can report him to the police for domestic violence, which his wife, your sister, will be aware of. Like you say –he may be a potential sexual abuser and you need to stop him before he starts entertaining any thoughts that he may manipulate you.

I am not sure of your relationship with your sister but if you are close you may get her to believe you when you tell her. If he keeps persisting you would need to let your sister know about all this. Your other option is your parents who may be able to stop him. But whatever you do, don’t keep quiet about this. Bring it out into the open. – Aunty Lisa

Post published in: Lifestyle

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