In Numbers
1,444 mt of food assistance distributed
USD 320,432 cash-based transfers made
USD 76 m next six months (July – December 2023) net funding requirements
96,087 people assisted in June 2023 through in- kind and cash transfers
Operational Updates
- The Government of Zimbabwe, through the Ministry of Public Service, Labour, and Social Welfare, availed 4,400 mt to WFP to support the refugee population residing at the Tongogara refugee camp. WFP twinned this in- kind contribution with internal resources, to cover the cost of transport, storage, handling, milling and distribution for an initial 2,200 mt. This innovative partnership, allows WFP to stretch available resources, providing assistance for a longer period.
- WFP through its urban cash assistance programme, assisted 10,125 vulnerable people in cities with cash transfers to meet their food needs and nutrition top- ups, to cushion them from deprivation and encourage purchase and consumption of diverse foods in Mzilikazi and Chiredzi urban domains.
- WFP received a USD 2 million contribution from USAID, which will allow WFP to scale up its urban resilience activities to an additional three domains. This contribution will safeguard the investments made during the last year, while also creating synergies across activities and strengthening already developed projects and skills.
- Through the food assistance for assets (FFA) programme, WFP is working on improving the long- term food security and resilience of the most food insecure rural populations. This will be through the construction and rehabilitation of productive assets, while addressing their immediate food needs with cash or food transfers. In 2023, WFP is supporting 66,000 people in six districts (Chiredzi, Kariba, Masvingo, Mwenezi, Rushinga and Zvishavane). Working with communities and partners, the activities planned for August, were undertaken in June and July to avoid any interruptions that may arise during the elections period.
- WFP and partners are resuming implementation of the Zambuko Livelihoods Initiative (supported by USAID), in Masvingo, Mwenezi and Chiredzi. Zambuko promotes and strengthens climate-resilient livelihoods, while mitigating household vulnerability to recurring shocks, such as droughts and floods.