Zim New Structured Currency Features

Ahead of the much-anticipated launch of a new Zimbabwean currency on Friday, the NewsHawks looks at some of the basic characteristics or features of the coming Structured Currency.

Name: Structured Currency;

*Exchange rate/Value: US$1: 10ZiG (ZW$10);

*ZiG (meaning Zimbabwe Gold) is a digital token issued in units of 1 milligramme of gold;

*Gold coin: Mosi-oa-Tunya gold coins are equivalent to ZiG;

*Structured Currency will be gold backed (government been buying bullion to support this currency since October 2022);

*Will also be supported by US$ reserves (from export proceeds retention scheme);

Does the Structured Currency have money characteristics?
Some of the most common characteristics of money are: divisibility, acceptability, portability, homogeneity,
durability, scarcity, fungibility and store of value.

This is the litmus test for the new currency. Will it command confidence, which is critical for its survival as a unit of account and means of exchange in this volatile economic environment without a political settlement?
Will this stem currency volatility and exchange rate-driven inflation?

Post published in: Business
  1. Cathrine
    • Zivanai
    • Jumanji
  2. Tanaka
  3. Nyakudya Dick
  4. maco
  5. Stanley

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