Letters (2) 22-06-06

Life after Mugabe
EDITOR - Despite the vaunted auspices of the Kennedy School of Government I am sure that many of your readers will find the no doubt well intentioned outline by Messrs. Moss and Patrick for Life After Mugabe namby-pamby and platitudinous and avoids the nitty

“Recovery from crisis means seeking accountability for past crimes and abuses”. They cite the example of the Contact Group in Bosnia but are no doubt mindful how the similar approach by the heavily American coalition policy in Iraq, not even mentioned, where the failure to retain any of the previous regime led to disaster and despite millions appropriated still has not led to a regular electricity supply among other shortfalls.
There is no mention of the police or other authorities who not only flouted legal processes pursuing the Murambatsvina but did not deign to reply to any objections or complaints, not bearing any personal liability. By contrast Mrs. Tibaijuka’s report to the UN, yet to be reported in detail in The Zimbabwean, was unequivocal: “The Government of Zimbabwe is collectively responsible for what has happened” How will western taxpayers feel about being liable to foot this bill?

Speak out young people
EDITOR – The designation of 2001 – 2010 as the “International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-violence for the Children of the World” is a clear indication in itself that young people will immensely benefit from this global movement. It is for this reason that I strongly feel that as young people we should be empowered to take a leading role in the creation of a culture of peace. This we can do partly by joining civil society organizations in the area of human rights, democracy and good governance to make a quick, short list which could be extended many times over. I also recommend that we receive training related to the aforesaid issues.
In other words, as young people we should fully and actively participate in public life since that is what citizenship is all about. After all this is our decade to show the world what we are really made up of. This is the most prime opportunity we should take as a matter of urgency as if to compete with time which is moving faster. This has to be especially when taking into cognisance the fact the majority of us were quite ignorant about the existence of such a designation.
I have been forced to write this letter after the realisation that as young people we are more often than not inconspicuous, inarticulate and unorganized. Our voices are seldom heart at public meetings in communities where it is customary for only the big men to put their views. Furthermore, it is rare to find a body or institution that adequately represents young people (youth) in a certain community or area. As a result, outsiders and government officials invariable find it more profitable and congenial to converse with local influentials than with the uncommunicative young people. Young people, we are today a residual, the last in the line, the most difficult to find, and the hardest to learn from.
Young people, let us show our deep commitment to promoting the dignity of the person by affirming the inviolable and inalienable dignity of the person, defending the intrinsic right to life, fostering a social climate propitious to integral development, solidarity and mutual respect. Above all else, let us refrain from using violence as a way of settling differences of any magnitude. This is so largely because violence is in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr “a descending spiral begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy”. Violence adds deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. This is food for thought.
M MUTSA, Bindura.

Not so smart sanctions
EDITOR – I would like to highlight a few points about these so-called smart sanctions. I used to wonder how people like Patrick Chinamasa live under such sanctions and then I opened my eyes. All Pat did was virtually move out of his Greystone Park house and live on a farm. He doesn’t care what you say to him because as Roy Bennett found out, even touching him can send you to prison.
So what I would like to suggest to the international world, is not to impose sanctions on the leaders alone, but their whole family effectively. By this I mean people like Kangai, Tinotenda and Chengetai Chinamasa must come home. Some of them are using their mothers surname and that doesn’t take too much investigating to figure out. The same must apply to Gono’s kids (Passion, Praise and Pride) who are living a fabulous life in Australia.
Simba Murerwa is in the states somewhere also having a good time. Mushowe has a few scattered, Mnagngwagwa has several daughters all over the world too. Parirenyatwa’s step kids are also reaping the benefits. So open your eyes people, why should the children of hard working Zimbabweans suffer and be stuck in this country whilst those of the government officials get free education (at bank rate, forex is almost free). Can you not see that the money gained through the Reserve Bank is gained by oppressing normal people and is now funding the education and upkeep of their children. MAKE THEM COME HOME and study at Midlands State or make them go to Fort Hare or something. It’s only fair. WAKE UP!

How low can we go?
EDITOR – I noted with great concern an article published on 09/06/06. It is unheard of to use Holy Bible pages in place of toilet paper. But in Prisons this is what is happening. Resources are being overstretched to cater for large numbers of prisoners – more than the maximum holding capacity of the prison, resulting in shortages of basic requirements like food, soap, toilet paper, and dirty blankets. Sickness is rampant. There is need for immediate action from responsible authorities. Zimbabwe deserves a better reputation than this.

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