Zimbabwe Vigil Diary – 20th January 2007

LONDON - Welcome back to Caroline who was freed last month after spending six months in prison for working with false papers. It was wonderful to see her with her small son Tendai, who had looked so subdued when his father brought him to the Vigil while she was locked up.
We still ca

n’t understand how someone who is desperately trying to survive can be locked up with hardened criminals. Caroline’s plight made us wonder about several others who have disappeared from the scene and we have discovered that another Vigil supporter is in jail and are trying to contact him. There is a useful website which can help you locate people who are in prison: http://www.hmprisonservice.gov.uk/adviceandsupport/keepingintouch/locationservice/. You can also email: prisoner.location.service@hmps.gsi.gov.uk for information.
Other welcome visitors were Jude and Rosemary from the Bristol Vigil who joined enthusiastically in the singing and dancing. They brought some great postcards they had designed: “Make Mugabe History – Free Zimbabwe” is the message. We hope supporters will spread this message as widely as possible, especially into Zimbabwe. The Vigil is sending some to Mugabe himself for his birthday. The next Bristol Vigil is on Saturday.
After the gales on Thursday, which caused widespread damage, we were fortunate that the wind had died down somewhat, and the Vigil was back to pre-Christmas numbers and vigour. It was good to have Patson from Leicester leading the singing once again and Jenatry from Luton energetically leading the dancing. Their performances transfixed a young Zimbabwean couple who had chanced by and stayed for the afternoon, joining in the singing and dancing.
For this week’s Vigil pictures: http://www.flickr.com/photos/zimbabwevigil/
FOR THE RECORD: 71 signed the register.
FOR YOUR DIARY – monday, 29th January, 7.30 pm, Central London Zimbabwe Forum. Upstairs at the Theodore Bullfrog pub, 28 John Adam Street, London WC2

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