Mbeki is a disgrace to Africa

I can't agree more that Mbeki is more than a disgrace to both South Africa and Africa as a whole. I will add my points to the debate for the benefit of Mbeki sympathisers and those that question why we are obsessed' and infuriated with Mbeki, writes MwanaWevhu, in The Times, Johannesburg.


The reason is simple, Mbeki is shielding Mugabe and you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see the evidence. He has continuously blocked discussions on Zimbabwe on continental and international forums (such as) SADC, AU and the UN. He blocked UN resolutions that would have reigned in Mugabe, he authorised shipment of arms to Mugabe that were used to kill over 80 people in the run-up to failed run-off elections, he swept under the carpet numerous reports of election violence (including one by his own generals), the list is endless. In short, Mbeki is to Zimbabwe what Charles Taylor was to Sierra Leone (for those who don’t know Taylor is a former Liberian leader on trial in The Hague for supporting genocide in Sierra Leone).

To add to the above, here is a statement that Mbeki made this week in Egypt at the AU summit and I quote verbatim: “The result that comes out of that process of dialogue must be a result that is agreed by the Zimbabweans,” he told the South African Broadcasting Corporation. The transcript of the interview is on Mbeki’s own website (http://www.thepresidency.gov.za/ or http://www.info.gov.za/speeches/2008/08070313451007.htm) lest he denies it like he always does or his sympathisers blame The Times or other news source for framing him.

Here is the serious problem I have with such a statement from an alleged mediator’ and SA President. I will put it in South African context so that it can be understood. What would South Africans have said if at the height of apartheid in the 1980s when Nelson Mandela was still in prison and Mbeki hiding somewhere in Zimbabwe and Mugabe (or any world leader then) said the same thing that the crisis in South Africa can only be solved by South Africans themselves and outsiders should not meddle in SA internal affairs.

Obviously people would have been rightfully outraged because Mandela was at the mercy of Botha (like Tsvangirai is at the mercy of Mugabe) and he had no negotiating power. People regard Mandela as great (even the US that still has him included in terrorist list) but I think F.W De Klerk is the greatest, if he had wanted to execute Mandela (like what Sani Abacha – Nigeria did to Ken Soro Wiwa in 1994) no one would have stopped him and nothing would have happened to De Klerk and apartheid would still be on up to today.

And to address another question why people are more critical of Mbeki than Mugabe, the answer is simple, as long as Mbeki is shielding and harbouring him, Mugabe is untouchable and criticising him is a waste of time and words. This is analogous to the US that shields Israel; everyone knows that Israel is untouchable as long as the US is world superpower, that’s why Osama (bin Laden) went for the US.

I have quoted Mbeki’s brother Moletsi who said, the Mugabe regime will not last past the term of current South African presidency in addition to saying that the Mugabe regime exists because the South African government permits it to exist.”

This is a view held by many including Mandela who criticised what is happening, they may be wrong and the pro-Mbeki and pro-Mugabe might be right, I would be happy to be wrong but on Mandela’s side, even if I get listed as a terrorist by some and unpatriotic by others.



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