The Daily Agenda 02 September 2010

bulawayo_agendaMatabeleland North
Attendance- There was a total of 64 people in the outreach meeting in Zinyangeni Area in Nkayi. Issues raised were significantly the same as those from other villages in that area. The audience was filled more by men than women.

Systems of Government the demand for a decentralised system continues to gain favour in the Mat North province.

Arms of the State Villagers suggested that the term of president be two five year which will not be renewed even if the president has good policies.

Public Offices people said they want public offices such as the passport, deaths, Employment, Police Stations and Women to be available and be headed by local people.

Traditional Leaders It was agreed that this group must be from chosen a traditional line and not be installed politically. People felt that there is need for power to be bestowed in Chiefs and other traditional leaders so that they can make decisions on land distribution and also preserve culture.

Land – Community members said that there must be a land audit which will ensure fair and equal distribution of land to benefit local people.

Matabeleland South

Attendance- At a certain meeting in Mangwe in ward 12 there 39 people which is very low. Some people argue that it is losing steam and people are no longer that enthusiastic.

Systems of Government All the people across political divide are for a more devolved system of government.

Arms of the State While villagers are clear about the need for a two 5-year term presidency, they are divided on whether or not the country should have a Prime Minister.

Public Offices people said they want public offices such as the passport, deaths, Employment, Police Stations and Women to be available and be headed by local people.

Traditional Leaders These people want a strengthened institution of traditional leaders and want them to have parliamentary seats reserved for them

Land – Community members said that there must be a land audit which will ensure fair and equal distribution of land to benefit local people.


Attendance- At a meeting in ward 12 there were about 86 people at a resettlement area in Kwekwe district..

Systems of Government All the people across political divide are for a more devolved system of government.

Arms of the State The people in this area believe in a stronger presidency and no need for a Prime Minister..

Gender The people want gender parity in all spheres of political and administrative leadership.

Traditional Leaders These people want a strengthened institution of traditional leaders and want them to have parliamentary seats reserved for them

Land The people say they want 99 year leases and that all land belongs to the state and traditional leaders should be its custodians.

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