Mugabe executed outside Embassy 1st March 2011

mugabe_hangedPresident Mugabe was strung up from a tree outside the Zimbabwe Embassy in London today at a Vigil in support of an attempt to stage an anti-Mugabe demonstration in Harare.

Security forces were beefed up to deter protesters from gathering at Harare gardens but in London some 50 people attended our mock execution of the aging tyrant.

mugabe_hanged_2We were joined by a Reuters news team, apart from other journalists, and passers-by stopped to take photos with their mobile phones. Bus drivers hooted in solidarity as Terence Mafuva in our Mugabe mask and a white shroud dangled from the branch of a maple tree (discreetly supported by a small stool).

Vigi supporters wore yellow bandanas saying Robert Mugabe for the sake of Zimbabwe: Please hang and displayed posters reading Mugabe must go! and 87 years old 31 years in power while singing songs mocking the despot, to the accompaniment of drumming.

There were passionate speeches denouncing him. Martin Chinyanga of the Zimbabwe Diaspora Focus Group said to applause that Mugabes time was coming to an end. For his part, Takwana Jonga of the Zimbabwe Action Group said Zanu PF was the enemy of the people of Zimbabwe responsible for the death of more than 5 million Zimbabweans since 1980 (by violence, neglect and poverty).

The Vigil was pleased to get a message of encouragement from Passop, the Zimbabwe support group in South Africa, who were holding a solidarity demonstration outside Parliament in Cape Town.

For latest Vigil pictures check: For the latest ZimVigil TV programme check

FOR THE RECORD: 47 signed the register.

Vigil Co-ordinators

The Vigil, outside the Zimbabwe Embassy, 429 Strand, London, takes place every Saturday from 14.00 to 18.00 to protest against gross violations of human rights in Zimbabwe. The Vigil which started in October 2002 will continue until internationally-monitored, free and fair elections are held in Zimbabwe:

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