Who do you follow?

When Jesus walked this earth He had followers. He did not call them “Christians” but “disciples”.

Luke 14: 27: Whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me, cannot be My disciple!

Matthew 16:24, “Then said Jesus to His disciples, “If any man will come after Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross and follow Me.”

Jesus said a disciple was one who followed Him. A disciple of Jesus had to go where Jesus went or where He directed them to go. Such a person had to deny themselves as one could not be half hearted about this. Denying themselves meant choosing Him rather than themselves. Not their will but His will be done. His desires be done, choosing to live the way He wants rather than the way I want to.

Taking up the cross meant that there will be a cost involved. There is a price to pay for putting self away. It is letting Him increase and our own self decrease. It is no longer our plans, our desires but He now comes first.

Jesus is the pearl of great price and He is worth everything!

A disciple is also one who follows Him. It is following a Person, the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is not following a doctrine, a tradition, religion, but a Person. As a disciple we would want to know who we are following and who we are laying our lives down for. We will find it difficult to follow someone we do not know. We get to know that the Almighty God is a holy, righteous God who hates sin. We get to know that He does correct and discipline His followers, those who want to know Him more. We get to know His Holy Spirit, His communion with us. We get to know His leading and guiding.

Just like a shepherd leads his flock and the flock follow so a disciple follows the leadings and directions of the Lord Jesus Christ. The sheep know the voice of the shepherd just as a disciple follows the voice of the Master.

A disciple serves his Master. If I am a disciple do I serve King Jesus?

A disciple listens to the Master. If I am a disciple do I listen to King Jesus?

A disciple follows the Master where ever He goes. If I am a disciple do I follow King Jesus where ever He leads?

A disciple gets to know the Master – His likes and dislikes, etc. As a disciple am I getting to know King Jesus better?

A disciple communicates with Jesus Christ. A disciple has a relationship with Jesus Christ

A disciple is committed to Jesus Christ. Am I hearing Him daily?

The word Christian has now lost its meaning and rather than saying are you a Christian, I will leave you with the question, “Are you a disciple of Christ?”

Post published in: Faith

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