These diseases are obviously preventable and their occurrence exposes weakness in the system.
Is this what Mugabe has to show for his 32years in power? Zimbabwe is not a country at war, these are peacetimes, and yet the suffering exceeds that of countries at war. What is the justification for this untold suffering?
Mugabe and his cronies have failed the people of Zimbabwe and this is the time for them to go. At a time when the wider world has experienced unprecedented development, Zanu (PF) is taking Zimbabwe backwards. Even countries like Mozambique and Zambia, who used to be laughing stock, are now way ahead on the league table.
My appeal to Robert Mugabe is for him to do the honourable thing and step down. To all the other crooks in Zanu (PF), we say please show restraint and be men and women of honour.
Let’s work for a better Zimbabwe that our children will be proud of.
Post published in: News