10 Photos of President Mugabe’s Mansion in Zimbabwe
Robert Mugabe’s mansion: The 25-bedroom private house was reportedly constructed by a Serbian construction company Energoproject to a Chinese architectural design.The palace nicknamed, ‘Blue Roof’ has two lakes in its 44 acre landscaped grounds and is protected by a multi-million pounds radar system. Approach roads to the mansion, topped by a Chinese-style roof clad in

Robert Mugabe’s mansion:
The 25-bedroom private house was reportedly constructed by a Serbian construction company Energoproject to a Chinese architectural design.The palace nicknamed, ‘Blue Roof’ has two lakes in its 44 acre landscaped grounds and is protected by a multi-million pounds radar system.
Approach roads to the mansion, topped by a Chinese-style roof clad in midnight blue tiles from Shanghai, are off limits to the general public.
We have seen some of the pictures online before but up to now no one can openly verify the pictures.Imagine who would have such taste and live in such opulence? An American Billionaire? A Saudi Prince? Louis XIV of France ? Savour the pictures.
This Mansion is in Harare and belongs to: The President of Zimbabwe – ROBERT MUGABE-While his people starve, and die because of no medical help…. and we are asked to help his people over & over again, he and his family live like this……HIS GREED IS KILLING HIS PEOPLE……PLEASE FORWARD THIS TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW SO THEY CAN FORWARD ON TO EVERYONE THEY KNOW….SO THAT THE WORLD WILL KNOW WHAT THIS MAN HAS AND IS DOING TO HIS PEOPLE.
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is a president supposed to stay in hut?
He came from a hut! So must be used to that to.He has the hut mentality and so does his wife. It is in their Genes.The disgrace is he used ILLEGALLY STOLEN MONEY to build it and destroyed a previously very successful and beautiful country and impoverished the Citizens-nothing he earned or had himself.
thats a joke what u telling urself. The man is an intellectual that became President. That is nothing but the truth, every fiber of him is money,money, money. he didnt steal everything he has like ur people did. and as a dignitory, even ousted he will continue to earn frm the state till he dies. unlike commoners like u and the rest of us. life can be unfair,it hurts u, he took the land back…..
How does one LEGALLY steal money?
Please explain..
Ecxacly i dont understand people there in the country can’t even afotd a loaf of bread . Its really sick.
The hut comment??? This Mugabe was a horrible person. He did well at first then messed his country up leaving people to die because of his greed. But in your comment you are insinuating that black people came from a hut therefore should not live in a house, that’s prejudice.
This is a very typical comment by an African – a continent where honest and good politicians are vilified whilst the thieves and looters of public money are glorified.
Mugabe was paid a salary whilst in office and he obviously got a pension as well. All his lifetime earnings could never in any way have been enough to enable him to build such a magnificent palace. Obviously the nation’s treasury was looted.
If LeeKuan Yew of Singapore had set such an example of official corruption could his country have evolved from a 3rd world status to a first world economic giant – within a generation?
It’s time for Africans to have a newly-programmed mindset. That’s what will help the continent.
the white is Zim state house it doesn’t belong to Mugabe
The mansion must be taken away from the Mugabe family because there is no way anyone can ever claim the tyrant earned the fortune required to build it legally in a country whose economy was in total economic meltdown under his rule.
Only his fellow looting thugs would have agreed to let the tyrant keep the mansion from God knows what other loot he has in Zimbabwe and outside plus grant him US$ 10 million as a bonus for a looting job well done!
We must take back the mansion plus as much of the looted wealth as the nation can recover and give it all back to the impoverish povo of Zimbabwe, the rightful owners from whom all this wealth was stolen.
The pictures of the white palatial house are fake, the “Blue roof mansion” is the real one. The inside pics are not the Mugabe mansion.
And you know this because you have been inside right?
I know this because anyone with an architectural background will notice the style on the outside is Oriental whilst the inside has a 16th century French theme. Also if you look at the interview he recently had with the SABC you can see what I am talking about as there is enough of a view to confirm my point.
The outside pic is genuine, it has an oriental design. The inside pics are fake because the style is 16th century French. You can confirm this when you watch the interview Mugabe had with the SABC recently. There is a clear view of window and door frames that have a natural wood finish.
So, does anyone know what happens to Mugabe’s
palace when the Kingly dictator is placed into the
soil of the country he drove into the ground ?
Grace ? Mugabe family ? Given back to the country
as a museum for what greed and complete power can
bring ?
Vanhu munopenga sitereki. Mugabe ndiye atanga kuita mansion muZimbabwe. If you are staying in Zimbabwe its either you are poor or you are rich. Do you think Mugabe is responsible for all your povertness, stupid mindest. Mugabe is one of the greatests presidents in the whole world. It is just that you dont know the source of the problem. Mugabe is not corrupt. There are people who sat down and saw it neccessary for the citizens of Zimbabwe to suffer. Do you know all the policies implemented by Mugabe, made great success in countries like Namibia and South Africa. Why did they fail in Zim.Because we are corrupt. Corruption in Zim begins from the poorest to the richest. Usati vatarisa chidanda chiri muziso memumwe tarisa chako. Nxaaa its only a stupid Zimbabwean who thinks that the reason why his employer is living well and he is struggling is because of Mugabe. Its so stupid you work with cash and you do a lot of sales that day, you dont deposit the money to the bank and at the end of the day you say the reason why money is not circulating is Mugabe. Tibvirwei apa!!!!!
Now,i like this.
It’s worth it, he worked for it unlike you Britons, you store our natural resources and enslaved our forefathers. RIP Comrade Mugabe, to us you are a hero and forever will remain a Hero
The writer lost me when they said “abdicate we suposed to continue helping his people”