Auxillia Mnangagwa Walks Into Health Danger Zone, Is She Genuine?

Just so I don’t have to say this again… my response to hospital visits by the high and mighty, both yesterday and all other days to come!

Mrs Mnangagwa

Sithule Nicole Tshuma thank you for provoking this discussion. I will pen my two cents. I work at UBH. I bring my heart to work everyday, not fruits or fees ($15 per patient) and find there are no essential drugs, no surgical sundries, no basic lab tests and no basic radiology services, no x Ray films! We cancel people’s operations, even emergencies because of the issues listed above, and stupid reasons like the laundry machine is not working so no sterile linen, the suction machine is not working etc.

We have had the same CEO and minister for years both presiding over a failing hospital while their own packs continue to swell. The President has the power to dis-appoint both but no, he hasn’t! So I’ll not even touch the legitimacy of this new administration, neither will I speak about the abuse of our people in campaign trails, I will just stick to my everyday experience as I toil to serve my people… I will tell you that such visits are an insult that should never be applauded or repeated.

When they come the shelves are suddenly full of surgical gloves, surgical blades, theatre caps etc which the First Lady didn’t buy, but the hospital administration buys to appease the visitor. And then they disappear again as soon as she’s gone! Please stop! Stop! I beg you! Stop! Our people need genuine leaders who will lay down their lives for the people… leaders with real principles and values, who understand that their power is given them by the people to serve and not subdue! I rest my case!

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