Imaginary Steps Forward and Real Steps Backwards

The death of former President, Robert Mugabe, the abduction of Doctor Peter Magombeyi, Doctors’ and students’ strikes, turning away of children from school, food aid deprivation, the sharp decline of the Zimbabwe dollar are some of the highlights in the month of September

Peter Magombeyi

The abduction of Doctor Magombeyi by alleged state agents on the 14th of September 2019 brought to mind the poisonous socio-political environment that is proliferating in Zimbabwe. Dr. Magombeyi, in his capacity as Acting President of the Zimbabwe Hospitals Doctors Association (ZHDA), has been vocal is advocating for a better wage for doctors and better working conditions since doctors downed tools on the 3rd of September 2019. His abduction triggered widespread strikes and demonstrations by doctors, nurses and support medical staff in Harare and Bulawayo, as well as their counterparts in Namibia, South Africa and Kenya calling for his immediate release.

Read full report: September 2019 MMR

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