The Sad State of Zimbabwe: A Nation in Crisis

You know it's bad in our country Zimbabwe fellow citizens wax nostalgic for the time when they were governed by a white, racist elite.

This is a country that was once the breadbasket of Africa, a land of promise and hope. But now, as I sit down to write this article, I am filled with sadness at the state of our nation. Inflation is rampant, our economy is in dire straits, and unemployment is at an all-time high.

There was a time when one would return from abroad to their beloved Zimbabwe with pride. They would relish the warmth of the sun on their skin, and the smell of the dust on the roads. But now, as you step off the plane, you are struck by the decay that surrounds you. The potholed roads, the dilapidated buildings, and the squalor of the city are a constant reminder of our plight.

The irony of it all is that our dear leader, President Emmerson Mnangagwa, continues to hold firm to his delusions of grandeur, insisting that he is the only one who can save Zimbabwe. He has been in power for 6 years now, and yet we are no better off now than we were when he first came into office.

We have a government that is corrupt to the core, a police force that is more interested in extorting bribes from the public than in protecting them, and a judiciary that is beholden to the ruling party. The few brave journalists that are left in the country are routinely threatened, beaten, and jailed for speaking out against the government.

I am writing this article in a column because I know that even though I am speaking the truth, there is a risk that my words will be censored or silenced. The internet is heavily monitored, and social media platforms are regularly shut down to prevent the spread of dissent.

And yet, despite all of this, I know that there are still those among us who hold onto hope. Zimbabweans are resilient people, and we have survived worse than this. We have a rich history of freedom fighters, men and women who stood up against tyranny and oppression.

Perhaps it is time for us to rise up once again, to demand change in our country. To say enough is enough, and to take to the polls to exercise our constitutional right to vote. To rise up like the phoenix, from the ashes of a failed state, and to rebuild our nation.

For I am convinced that Zimbabwe is a country worth fighting for. We have a beautiful land, rich in resources and potential. We have people who are yearning for a better future, for the chance to live in a country where they can thrive and prosper.

And so, as I finish writing this article, I am filled with a deep sense of sadness, but also with a glimmer of hope. For I know that even though things are bad in Zimbabwe right now, we have the power to change our destiny. We have the power to create a new tomorrow, a Zimbabwe that we can be proud of once again.

Kumbirai Thierry Nhamo | 

Writer, Blogger, Poet and Researcher

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