USD 904,034 cash-based transfers
USD 41 m next six months (March – August 2024) net funding requirements
331,592 people assisted in February 2024 through in-kind food and cash transfers
Operational Updates
- WFP completed the February cycle of the lean season assistance (LSA) distributions in the second half of the month, reaching 242,940 people in Mangwe, Chivi,
Mwenezi, and Buhera districts. In addition, 132,700 people received January rations in early February, which was a continuation of the cycle started in late January. - WFP and the World Health Organization (WHO) conducted a joint monitoring mission to assess activities at food distribution points. The team provided on-site guidance on cholera mitigation measures. WFP will revise its food safety guidelines for LSA distributions in response to the joint assessment mission’s recommendations.
- WFP procured and delivered cholera prevention items, including medical supplies and hygiene kits, to LSA programme intervention districts for use during registration and distribution as a precaution against the spread of cholera.
- The urban cash assistance programme reached 53,043 people in Mzilikazi, Chiredzi, Chinhoyi, and Caledonia during the February distribution cycle. Some 8,511 beneficiaries received the last round of the nutrition topups in Chiredzi and Mzilikazi.
- Due to evolving vulnerabilities among urban populations,
WFP completed reprofiling all urban cash assistance beneficiaries in Chiredzi. Furthermore, WFP has engaged stakeholders to restart urban CBT in Mutare, with a target of 8,500 beneficiaries. - In Tongogara Refugee Settlement (TRS) and Waterfalls Transit Centre (WTC), WFP provided cash and/or in-kind assistance to 12,903 Persons of Concern (PoC). These included 12,616 for cash, 12,547 for maize meal, 1,758 children under 5 years of age, 392 pregnant and breastfeeding women, and 369 chronically ill people with specialised nutritious products, while an additional 287 new arrivals received a full in-kind basket. The hybrid assistance continued smoothly in February