Electorate must petition their legislators not to participate in debate to postpone elections

Realizing that Zimbabweans do not want any form of extension of terms, Zanu PF has now devised a new way to impose Emmerson Mnangagwa on an unwilling citizenry. They now want to amend the constitution to allow for postponement of elections, so that the next elections are held in 2030.

Emmerson Mnangagwa himself is the architect of all this, given that he proclaimed not too long into his first term of office that he would be around in 2030. It is clear then that the bringing in of Sebenzo Tshabangu to recall elected CCC members of Parliament was Emmerson Mnangagwa’s plan to extend his stay by gaining a two-thirds false majority in Parliament so that Zanu PF parliamentarians, with their colleagues appointed by Tshabangu, could amend the constitution to fraudulently extend Mnangagwa’s and their term in office.
Mnangagwa wants to hoodwink gullible Zimbabweans into believing that Vision 2030 is his brainchild. Vision 2030 is a global target initiated by the United Nations, adopted by some continental bodies such as the African Union, and cascaded to individual countries globally. There is, therefore, no justifiable reason to postpone elections because of Vision 2030. Imagine what chaos the world would be if all countries pursuing Vision 2030 extended the terms of their current which are bound to end before 2030.
This attempt must be resisted. I would like to thank everyone who has spoken against the fraudulent attempt to extend Mnangagwa’s term of office, and would want to encourage all Zimbabweans, wherever they are, to resist Zanu PF’s evil machinations. The electorate in various constituencies should petition their representatives in Parliament not to participate in any debate that concerns the postponement of elections. We have been told the voice of the people is the voice of God, so legislators must respect the Will of the people if they are petitioned. And all the principled legislators, even without being petitioned, should walk out of the August House to kill off the debate. Any legislator who stays in Parliament to participate in such a debate will have exposed themselves as a sellout. The electorate must democratically deal a huge blow to any legislator who ignores this call and participates in the debate.
How on earth can there be a country that willy-nilly postpones elections to extend the term of office of a leader where there are term limits, without the will of the people? It is only fashionable with dictators who are backed by criminals that surround them. The Zanu PF Congress is attended by less than five thousand people in a country with over 16 million people based in Zimbabwe, and a few more millions based in the Diaspora who are contributing heavily to the economy.
Elections should only be deferred when there is a high-profile public disaster such as a pandemic of high proportion, or a national disaster that brings the operations of a country to a halt, and should be held as soon as practicable after the disaster. Interestingly, elections are still more than three years away, giving enough time for Emerson Mnangagwa to implement all the measures he thinks can uplift the country. There are countries like New Zealand whose parliamentary terms are only three years, and one has to win the next election for another three-year term. A good leader must be able to accomplish their vision in the allocated term and mentor others to lead after them. Emmerson Mnangagwa has been in power since 2007 and must stand down at the 2028 elections.
People of Zimbabwe, from the Zambezi to the Limpopo, and those in the Diaspora, let us join hands to thwart this minister that want to deny us our democratically enshrined rights to choose our leaders every five years.
Kennedy Kaitano

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