Preparing the bride

The Lord has prepared a ministry for the last days that will be the marvel of men and angels. These ministries will not be self-seeking or self-promoting, and most of them will remain unknown to the world and even to much of the Church.

Their works and preaching will stir cities and nations, but many will fade into the crowds and disappear before anyone knows who they are.

Many of the most powerful apostles and prophets will remain nameless and faceless to the public. These men have no desire to build major ministries and will not covet fame or fortune. They are “spiritual celibates”, they will not rape the bride.

Just as a natural eunuch is given entirely to preparing the bride for the king, and has no desire for her as he is not able to, these will be completely given to preparing the Church for her King. Their whole purpose is to see the King’s joy because they are truly His friends. These will follow Him wherever he goes.

While many of their peers have been seeking exposure and promotion for their ministries, these have been quietly preparing themselves just as Jesus did for His first thirty years. While others are advancing in ministry, many of these have been retreating. While others have been building up, these have been digging down, trying to strengthen their foundations and deepen their roots.

Though not in rebellion, these are usually out of harmony with much of the Church and often grieving over it. Even so, these will not separate themselves from the Church, but will be vital members of the body, aiding her in every way.

Post published in: Faith

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