Letters 07-12-2006

Dying moments of a regime
EDITOR - I felt very depressed after reading about the lawlessness, repression,
and lack of accountability from The Zimbabwean of the 30 Nov-6...

Letterfrom home( 07-12-06)

Wanted: decisive, united leadership
Dear Family and Friends,
As the Minister of Finance presented what he...

Editorial 07-12-2006

An exercise in futility
One has to admire the tenacity of the gentlemen of the IMF. They...

Action-packed detective story( 07-12-06)

Title: Case Closed
ISBN: 0 86922 7734
Author: Pauline Henson
Publisher: Mambo Press
First Published :2003
Case Closed is a book...

UnitKmusic Tomas L. Brickhill (07-12-2006)

LONDON - I have two strong memories of Johnny Clegg imprinted on my brain from childhood....

Shona 07-12-2006

Church document dishonest – Mutambara(07-12-06)

HARARE - The MDC (Mutambara) leadership met with the Church leaders who are behind the "The...

Black market grocery shopping(07-12-06)

HARARE - "Eeh blaz" the streetwise young man called, as I walked past...

Support for 50-50 gender equality campaign(07-12-06)

LONDON - For many years, most of our mothers, sisters and...

Govt limits size of farms(07-12-06)

HARARE - The Zimbabwean Government has announced maximum sizes for commercial farms, and says that any...

Discontent smoulders in Zanu (PF) (07-12-06)

HARARE - The ruling Zanu (PF) party next week goes to its December annual people's conference,...

Take HIV test Mugabe told as 8 cabinet ministers live with AIDS (07-12-06)

HARARE - AIDS lobbyists have challenged President Robert Mugabe to take a public HIV test to...

Welshman gets 99-year lease(07-12-06)

HARARE - The Mutambara-led Movement for Democratic Change (MDC)'s secretary general Professor Welshman Ncube is among...

RBZ U-turn on forex agencies(07-12-06)

HARARE - The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe has re-registered seven of the 16 money transfer agencies...
