Chiwenga Vows Action Against Corrupt, Pot-Bellied “Mbingas”

Vice President and acting president, Constantino Chiwenga, has condemned corrupt dealers, known as “Mbinga” in Zimbabwe.


Speaking at the funeral of national hero Justin Mupamhanga at the National Heroes Acre on Monday, Chiwenga criticised politically connected businessmen, calling them “zvigananda” (leeches) and vowed to take action against them.

Chiwenga said the founding principles of Zimbabwe were based on equal opportunities for all, not for those who profit from corruption and looting. He said:

We all swore to a shared future in which everyone had a place on the table, a place in the sun, for a culture of equal opportunity where every Zimbabwean served in equal measure.

Zveubvanzu ubvanzu kudya kwemhumi takazviramba. Our Vision 2030 is for all of us, kwete dzamunoti mbinga, kuhondo taizviti zvigananda, those who grow big tummies through ill-gotten wealth and questionable morals.

The term “mbingas” refers to wealthy individuals, often businesspeople, who are perceived to have gained their wealth through questionable means, such as corruption or exploiting public resources.

The term is sometimes used pejoratively to describe those who are seen as engaging in unethical practices to amass wealth.

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