First prize: Security reforms

mugabe_bobOnly a total fool could ever take President Robert Mugabe (Pictured) and Zanu (PF)s promise...

How to manage home entertainment

radioManaging home entertainment is quite simple while...

Charity starts at home

Mugabe__SummitListening to Robert Mugabe (pictured)...

The weak who shame the strong

A blind man came during the week to ask a colleague for help with his studies....

The people matter more

zuma_mediatorWe applaud the SADC Troika and, in...

SADC Troika can bite

john_makumbeGood old Bob had the surprise of...

Youth wasted on the young

Last week my neighbourhood experienced a massive electrical fault. It was caused by a young man...

Accountability in the family

john_makumbe_familyMarried people quickly find out that they...

Mugabe is lucky

lovemore_moyo1The election last week of the MDC-Ts...

Vision of the End

I saw myself strolling along a beach. Suddenly, there sounded a loud boom, which became stronger...

Being yoked to Jesus

teach_me_your_waysMatthew 11:28-30, "Come unto me, all you...

Time for MDC to pay the price for freedom

john_makumbeThe passing on of Dr...

Zimbabwe Zanu (PF)s private graveyard

heroes_acrePresident Robert Mugabe has confirmed what we...

An empty bag does not stand upright

A story is told of a nation that existed a couple of years ago. ...
